Thursday 9 May 2013

Manual Transmission - Part 3

Shane and I have finished re-assembling the transmission yesterday. I got plenty of time this morning to work on my practical workbook while waiting for the lecturer to show us the DTI.

Just about an hour before the class end, the demonstration began. The lecturer bolted the steel angle plate onto the body of transmission. Then magnetised the DTI gauge on the steel plate. He placed the point on the 5th gear and pressed the gear down. He adjusted the gauge reading to zero and then lifted the gear up. The highest and lowest readings have been recorded, subtracted and multiplied by 0.01 as per the scale of the DTI gauge.

We have been told that we will often use DTI on engine, seems like there are many clearances that we need to be aware of under the hood.

Image of Dial Test Indicator being used for measuring the 5th gear thrust clearance.

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